Logistix Solutions' ProLogix AI™ supply chain software is the leading provider of On-Demand Supply Chain Network Design and Transportation Optimization Software solutions - powered by AI and Machine Learning tools - to help supply chain professionals effectively analyze and optimize their logistics operations.
We at Logistix Solutions offer a full range of logistics software solutions which are essential tools for any company looking to optimize their distribution network, manage their transportation operations, or model continuous improvements to supply chain operations for a rapid Return on Investment. Our software products help you create innovative supply chain and transportation solutions that save money, time, man hours, fuel costs, vehicle resources, and driver expenses, while helping you deliver fast and efficient service to your customers.
Logistix Solutions are available for Instant download and priced as Software-As-A-Service
On-Demand: You only pay for what you use
Founded by a team of supply chain optimization and operations experts, each with over 30 years’ experience, Logistix Solutions was established in 2006 to provide premier technology solutions and in-depth industry knowledge for logistics professionals. Logistix Solutions offers distribution network design and transportation optimization software for small and medium size businesses as well as large enterprises throughout the world.
We also provide trusted consulting services that help organizations optimize their distribution networks and transportation operations. Over the course of our company's operations, we have saved our clients over 500 Million US Dollars - and counting!
Logistix Solutions was established to provide all operations a way to access affordable software solutions to assist with their company's logistics engineering efforts. This technology, offering immediate benefits and Return on Investment, was non-existent before we created one. There is a very real and urgent need for better logistics engineering solutions that help with logistics planning, transportation scheduling and supply chain management and feature robust optimization capabilities, cutting edge technology, and extreme ease of use.
Our AI assisted logistics software solutions are readily available for instant download and are priced as Software-As-A-Service.

So, whether you're in the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, Europe, or other parts of the globe, our logistics software solutions are your best ally in optimizing your transportation, warehousing, inventory, and manufacturing systems while lowering costs for all your logistics operations.
Here at Logistix Solutions, we take pride in helping our clients provide better, more efficient service to their customers while helping them save time, manpower, man hours, fuel costs, vehicle expenses, driver expenses, and others. We do not publish the names of our users without specific permission to do so and our support services and consulting are provided with a strict non-disclosure of any data or materials you provide us to assist with our services.
So, if your company manufactures, stores, sells and/or distributes products and you'd like to improve your logistics operations and save costs, get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you!
Logistix Solutions provides software solutions that are designed to be extremely easy to use with features to address all your requirements to optimize transportation, warehousing, inventory, and manufacturing costs for all your logistics operations:
- Full-featured Software - Optimize supply chain, sourcing, transportation, warehousing, inventory, and manufacturing costs for all your logistics operations.
- Distribution Network Design - Optimum number and location of distribution facilities, cross docking, product pooling/mixing and consolidation center location.
- Service Level Optimization – Optimum distribution network to optimize service levels and ensure service level agreement and on-time delivery performance.
- Sourcing, Product Flow and Inventory Optimization – Optimum product flows and inventory levels, reorder points, and more throughout network of suppliers, plants, ports and distribution.
- Strategic Sourcing and Capacity Planning - Optimum total landed cost, lead time and risk mitigation, supplier selection, production and distribution capacity planning.
- Site Selection - Optimization and simulation modeling for facility location selection, and cost / service trade-offs.
- Sustainability Modeling – Carbon and Green House Gas Emissions Modeling.
- Capacity Planning – Supplier production and warehouse capacity optimization.
- Future Scenario Simulation – Risk Assessment and Contingency Modeling.
- Transportation Optimization - Routing and Scheduling, Load Consolidation, Private vs Carrier
- Fleet Optimization, Fleet Sizing and Driver Scheduling Optimization.
- Truckload Scheduling - Multi-stop truck load scheduler generates consolidated loads and schedules for Full Truckload (TL) and Less than Truckload (LTL) orders.
- Transportation Management (TMS) – Global rate management, carrier optimization, load tendering and acceptance, route optimization, visibility, vehicle monitoring, event management, track and trace and settlement.

At Logistix Solutions, we serve the logistics professional's needs for a comprehensive set of easy-to-use, full-featured software applications to optimize distribution network design, sourcing and product flow, site selection, transportation management, truckload operations, and resource scheduling. Powered by the latest Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools, our software applications quickly solve even the most complex problems.
Our goal is to provide you with the exact logistics tools and support you need, when you need them so you don't spend more for features that are not applicable to you - you only pay for what you use. This saves you money and helps you focus on crucial parameters you need to improve on. Our products and services help you optimize your operations, minimize your costs, and vastly improve your efficiency and service to your clients.
Wherever you may be, our award-winning supply chain logistics software solutions are your best ally in optimizing your transportation, warehousing, inventory, and manufacturing systems while lowering costs for all your logistics operations.
Our users are fast-growing companies as well as mid- to large-sized enterprises in the United States, Canada, Australia, Europe, and other parts of the globe. if you'd like to know more about how our outstanding logistics software solutions can help you address your logistical and transportation optimization needs get in touch with us today!
"Our products fill a gap that’s not being met by traditional supply chain planning and optimization tools that are too complex, too data intensive and ultimately too expensive."
Robert Camozzo, President, Logistix Solutions