Logistix Solutions Featured in Top 100 List for Inbound Logistics

Logistix Solutions Featured in Top 100 List for Inbound Logistics

Recently Inbound Logistics featured Logistix Solutions in their top 100 list for Inbound Logistics. Each year, Inbound Logistics develops a list of the Top 100 Logistics IT Providers, by researching capabilities and companies.

These Top 100 technology providers offer solutions designed to meet business logistics managers’ supply chain challenges. The list focuses on value for providers whose solutions are central to solving transportation, logistics, and supply chain challenges, and whose customer successes are well-documented.

The list from Inbound Logistics features an in-depth breakdown of services for each provider. Our listing provides potential clients with a list of services we provide. This list reassures the client that we are among the best of the best, so there's no worry concerning our production for them.

This year’s Top 100 Logistics IT Providers include those serving Fortune 1000 companies, as well as small and medium-sized businesses. We are proud to be on this list alongside these Logistics IT Providers, and we're working to continue to rank in the future.

Want to see everyone that ranked in the top 100 list for Inbound Logistics? Click Here to see the full list!

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